Product Specifications

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Sample Engineering Specifications

Spears® Sample Engineering Specifications

Spears® Product Submittals


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Swing Joints



Spears® Swing Joint Riser Cross Reference

Fabricated Fittings



General Specifications For Standard Fabricated Fittings

Go Directly To Our FlameGuard® Section

Solvent Cements & Primers Technical Specifications

PVC-00TS Technical Specifications

Clear Regular Body PVC Cement

PVC-02TS Technical Specifications 

Clear Regular Body PVC Cement

PVC-05TS Technical Specifications 

Clear/Gray Medium Body PVC Cement

PVC-21TS Technical Specifications

Blue Medium Body Cement

PVC-25TS Technical Specifications  

Aqua Blue Wet-N-Dry Dry Cement

PVC-26TS Technical Specifications

Blue Pool-Pro™Medium Body PVC Cement

PVC-27TS Technical Specifications

Clear Cold -N-Hot Medium Body PVC Cement

PVC-37TS Technical Specifications

EverTUFF®TURF™ Blue Medium Body PVC Cement

PVC-50TS Technical Specifications

HOT BLUE Medium Body PVC Cement

PVC-95TS Technical Specifications

Clear/Blue Medium Body Flexible PVC Cement

PVC-11TS Technical Specifications   

Gray Heavy Body PVC Cement

PVC-17TS Technical Specifications  

Gray/Clear Heavy Body PVC Cement

PVC-19TS Technical Specifications   

White/Gray Extra Heavy-Body PVC Cement

CPVC-24TS Technical Specifications  

Gray/Orange Heavy Body CPVC Cement

CPVC-29TS Technical Specifications  

Gray/Orange Extra-Heavy Body CPVC Cement

CTS-5TS Technical Specifications   

EverTUFF®YELLOW Medium Body One-Step CTS CPVC Cement

FS-5TS Technical Specifications   

FlameGuard® RED One-Step CPVC Cement

FS-5TSDA Technical Specifications  

FlameGuard® RED One-Step CPVC Cement (Danish)

FS-5TSSW Technical Specifications  

FlameGuard® RED One-Step CPVC Cement (Swedish)

LW-5TS Technical Specifications  

LabWaste® MUSTARD One-Step CPVC Cement

ABS-73TS Technical Specifications  

Black Medium Body ABS Cement

ABS-71TS Technical Specifications

Yellow Medium Body ABS Cement

ABS to PVC-94TS Technical Specifications   

Green Medium Body ABS To PVC Cement

MP-90TS Technical Specifications   

Clear Medium Body Multi-Purpose Cement

LX-5TS Technical Specifications   

Low Extractable One-Step PVC Cement

OT-5TS Technical Specifications   

OceanTUFF® Marine Mustard One-Step CPVC Cement

Marine-24TS Technical Specifications   

EverTUFF® Marine Gray CPVC Cement

Primers & Cleaners  

PRIMER 21-70 Technical Specifications  

Clear/Purple Industrial Strength Primer

PRIMER 21-68 Technical Specifications  

Clear/Purple Industrial Strength Primer

PRIMER 75 Technical Specifications   

Aqua Blue Wet-N-Dry Industrial Strength Primer

CLEANER 65 Technical Specifications   

Clear Cleaner

PRIMER CLEANER 64 Technical Specifications

Clear/Purple Primer Cleaner

    Click Here For Installation Instructions, Listings & Approvals Information